Source code for display

import sys_display
import color

# font enumeration
FONT8 = 0
FONT12 = 1
FONT16 = 2
FONT20 = 3
FONT24 = 4

[docs]class Display: """ The display class provides methods to allow the lcd display in card10 to be used in a safe way. All draw methods return the display object so that it is possible to chain calls. It is recommended to use a context manager as following: .. code-block:: python import display with as disp: disp.clear().update() """ def __init__(self): """ Opens the display. Will fail the display can't be locked """ def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, _et, _ev, _t): self.close()
[docs] @classmethod def open(cls): """ Opens the display. Will fail the display can't be locked """ return cls()
[docs] @staticmethod def close(): """ Closes and unlocks the display. To be able to use it again, it is necessary to open and lock it again with """ sys_display.close()
[docs] def update(self): """ Updates the display based on the changes previously made by various draw functions """ sys_display.update()
[docs] def clear(self, col=None): """ Clears the display using the color provided, or the default color black :param col: Clearing color (expects RGB triple) """ col = col or color.BLACK sys_display.clear(col) return self
[docs] def print(self, text, *, fg=None, bg=None, posx=0, posy=0, font=FONT20): """ Prints a string on the display. :param text: Text to print :param fg: Foreground color (expects RGB triple) :param bg: Background color (expects RGB triple) or None for transparent background :param posx: X-Position of the first character :param posy: Y-Position of the first character :param font: 0 <= font <= 4 (currently) selects a font Avaiable Fonts: - :py:data:`display.FONT8` - :py:data:`display.FONT12` - :py:data:`display.FONT16` - :py:data:`display.FONT20` - :py:data:`display.FONT24` **Example:** .. code-block:: python with as d: d.clear() d.print('Hello Earth!', font=display.FONT24) d.update() .. versionchanged:: 1.11 Added transparent background printing. """ fg = fg or color.WHITE bg = bg or fg sys_display.print_adv(text, posx, posy, fg, bg, font) return self
[docs] def pixel(self, x, y, *, col=None): """ Draws a pixel on the display :param x: X coordinate :param y: Y coordinate :param col: color of the pixel (expects RGB tripple) """ col = col or color.WHITE sys_display.pixel(x, y, col) return self
[docs] def backlight(self, brightness): """ Set display backlight brightness :param brightness: backlight brightness 0 <= brightness <= 100 """ sys_display.backlight(brightness) return self
[docs] def line(self, xs, ys, xe, ye, *, col=None, dotted=False, size=1): """ Draws a line on the display. :param xs: X start coordinate :param ys: Y start coordinate :param xe: X end coordinate :param ye: Y end coordinate :param col: color of the line (expects RGB triple) :param dotted: whether the line should be dotted or not (questionable implementation: draws every other pixel white, draws white squares at higher pixel sizes) :param size: size of the individual pixels, ranges from 1 to 8 """ col = col or color.WHITE sys_display.line(xs, ys, xe, ye, col, dotted, size) return self
[docs] def rect(self, xs, ys, xe, ye, *, col=None, filled=True, size=1): """ Draws a rectangle on the display. :param xs: X start coordinate :param ys: Y start coordinate :param xe: X end coordinate :param ye: Y end coordinate :param col: color of the outline and fill (expects RGB triple) :param filled: whether the rectangle should be filled or not :param size: size of the individual pixels, ranges from 1 to 8 """ col = col or color.WHITE sys_display.rect(xs, ys, xe, ye, col, filled, size) return self
[docs] def circ(self, x, y, rad, *, col=None, filled=True, size=1): """ Draws a circle on the display. :param x: center x coordinate :param y: center y coordinate :param rad: radius :param col: color of the outline and fill (expects RGB triple) :param filled: whether the rectangle should be filled or not :param size: size of the individual pixels, ranges from 1 to 8 """ col = col or color.WHITE sys_display.circ(x, y, rad, col, filled, size) return self
def fill(self): sys_display.fill() return self def line_width(self, lw): sys_display.line_width(lw) return self def font_size(self, lw): sys_display.font_size(lw) return self def stroke(self): sys_display.stroke() return self def text(self, utf8): sys_display.text(utf8) return self #def svg_path(self, d): # sys_display.svg_path(d) # return self def flush(self): sys_display.flush() return self def scale(self, x, y): sys_display.scale(x, y) return self def translate(self, x, y): sys_display.translate(x, y) return self def rotate(self, r): sys_display.rotate(r) return self def save(self): return self def restore(self): sys_display.restore() return self def rgba(self, r, g, b, a): sys_display.rgba(r, g, b, a) return self def line_to(self, x0, y0): sys_display.line_to(x0, y0) return self def move_to(self, x0, y0): sys_display.move_to(x0, y0) return self def quad_to(self, x0, y0, x1, y1): sys_display.quad_to(x0, y0, x1, y1) return self def curve_to(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2): sys_display.curve_to(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2) return self def rel_line_to(self, x0, y0): sys_display.rel_line_to(x0, y0) return self def rel_move_to(self, x0, y0): sys_display.rel_move_to(x0, y0) return self def rel_quad_to(self, x0, y0, x1, y1): sys_display.rel_quad_to(x0, y0, x1, y1) return self def rectangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1): sys_display.rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1) return self def rel_curve_to(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2): sys_display.rel_curve_to(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2) return self def linear_gradient(self, x0, y0, x1, y1): sys_display.linear_gradient(x0, y0, x1, y1) return self def gradient_add_stop(self, pos, r, g, b, a): sys_display.gradient_add_stop (pos, r, g, b, a) return self def gradient_clear_stops(self): sys_display.gradient_clear_stops() return self def radial_gradient(self, x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1): sys_display.radial_gradient(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1) return self
open = close = Display.close